aerobics class

Benefits of Aerobics

Aerobics in our Daily Lives We’ve all been told about the importance of aerobics in our daily lives. But what constitutes an activity as an aerobic one and how do we integrate it into our all ready busy lives? Why we need Aerobics? Without a doubt, aerobics are particularly helpful for weight control. Research consistently…

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables

You should be eating at least 3 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Fruits and vegetables are very low in saturated fat and total fat, and have no cholesterol. A diet high in fruit and vegetables may also help keep cholesterol levels low. So, fruits and vegetables are great substitutes for foods…

Nutrient Diet


Nutrition and Exercise The dietary needs of athletes and other active individuals are, with a few small adjustments, not very different from those recommended for all healthy people. Active individuals expend more energy than sedentary people, so they do need to consume more calories; the exact number depends on age, body size and composition, activity,…

Whole Wheat Bread

Benefits of Fiber

Facts and Benefits of Fiber Fiber is not a single substance. It is an enormous group of widely different chemical substances with varied physical properties. Fiber is divided into two basic types – soluble and insoluble. Foods differ in the type and amount of fiber they contain. But all types of fiber have two things…