Dairy Products for lowering cholesterol

Dairy Products for lowering cholesterol

Dairy products such as skim or low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese can be beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels. These products are rich in calcium, which has been shown to help reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the gut. Additionally, they contain a type of fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which may help lower…

The Right Protein

The Right Protein

When choosing what to eat for a Heart Healthy Diet look for high-quality lean protein, which is important for maintaining and repairing muscle tissue, and for maintaining healthy bones. Most of these also contain other important nutrients, such as iron, zinc, and B vitamins.To keep your blood cholesterol level low, choose only the leanest meats,…

Home Health Management

Home Health Management

Home Management of Your Family’s Health The physical examination of you and your family doesn’t have to begin in the doctor’s office. Some important observations can begin in the home. Checking your family’s health in the home will help your doctor and yourself by providing more accurate information, encourage awareness to each member of the…



While it may seem like a waste of time to spend an entire third of your life in bed, sleep is absolutely fundamental to human health. If you have experienced the aftermath of a sleepless night, you can testify to the importance of quality sleep. What is Sleep? Sleep is broadly defined as a period…

Aches and Pains

Aches and Pains

Muscles and Joints – Preventing Aches and Pains Nearly everyone has experienced stresses and strains to those parts of the body responsible for movement: the bones and muscles; major joints like the knee and ankle; and the tendons and ligaments – the soft connective tissues that transmit movement among muscles and joints.  Though sometimes referred…

Being Supportive

Being Supportive

Being Supportive to Stressed Loved Ones It is hard to say which is the more difficult position: to be needing reassurance and support, or to be trying to help a friend or family member and not knowing what to say. Perhaps you grope for the right words and end up saying nothing, or manage to…

End of the Day

End of the Day

Whether you’ve spent your day hunched over a computer, standing at an assembly line, or washing your car – no doubt some “end of the day” stresses have crept in. Often times, the stress of any given day can add up to uncertain emotions and anxiety. Although it is not clear what effect your emotional…

Beyond Hyped Diets

Beyond Hyped Diets

The makeup of the microbiome Just looking at the surplus of dieting magazine articles and flashing weight loss advertisements on websites, it’s clear that the idea of healthy living is central to the public consciousness. But beyond hyped diets, trending superfoods, and the stigma of a high body fat index, what are some ways it…

C Reactive Protein

C Reactive Protein

C Reactive Protein and Heart Disease As the fight against heart disease, the nation’s biggest cause of death, continues, new instruments for identifying high-risk individuals are being created. Because they differ from patient to patient, the symptoms of coronary heart disease—chest discomfort, shortness of breath, and an irregular pulse—can be challenging to diagnose. Furthermore, there…