Weight Training for Older Adults

Weight Training for Older Adults

Incorporating weight training could improve the quality of life for many older adults. Weight training would not only help build muscle mass but it will also increase muscle strength and endurance. Regular weight training as part of a exercise routine would also help with balance, motor coordination and stability. Check with your Doctor If you…

Cross-Country Skiing

Cross-Country Skiing

Cross-Country Skiing For Your Health Cross-country skiing has lagged behind the downhill variety in popularity in the United States, but in terms of all-around aerobic benefits, it’s the front runner. Using muscles in the shoulders, back, chest, abdomen, buttocks, and legs, cross-country skiers can burn as many as six hundred to nine hundred calories per…

Healthy Eating
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Healthy Eating

Not as Difficult as You Might Think Eating healthfully isn’t as difficult as some people think. You don’t necessarily have to make radical changes in the way you eat or give up your favorite foods. The tips offered below should help make healthy eating a little easier. With countless diets, programs and products promising to…

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Swimming for your health For years, experts have been saying that swimming is great for your health and simply one of the best exercises out there. Yet, many of the benefits of swimming are unclear to the average person. So what really makes swimming such a wonderful exercise? Swimming uses almost all the major muscle…

Elements of Fitness

Elements of Fitness

Fitness is defined as “the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure time pursuits and to meet unforeseen emergencies.” Yet physical fitness means different things to a dancer, marathon runner, lumberjack, mailman, and weight lifter. It’s also a relative term, in that…

Aches and Pains

Aches and Pains

Muscles and Joints – Preventing Aches and Pains Nearly everyone has experienced stresses and strains to those parts of the body responsible for movement: the bones and muscles; major joints like the knee and ankle; and the tendons and ligaments – the soft connective tissues that transmit movement among muscles and joints.  Though sometimes referred…