Good nutrition is the cornerstone of good health, eating right crucial for the proper growth and functioning of your body. There is strong evidence that it can offer protection from many chronic diseases as well.  The Nutrition section of LiveKinetic focuses on the various components of diet individually, sorting out the benefits and misconceptions and indicating which foods you should try to eat on a daily basis and which ones to limit.

Calories and Nutrition

Calories and Nutrition

Total Calories The majority of individuals are now aware that eating well can help them live longer and keep a ...
Myths about Sugar

Myths about Sugar

For many years, sugar has had a bad reputation. At the very least, it has been considered a junk food ...
Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables

You should be eating at least 3 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Fruits and vegetables are ...
Nutrient Diet


Nutrition and Exercise The dietary needs of athletes and other active individuals are, with a few small adjustments, not very ...
Health Meal

Steps to a Healthy Diet

Healthy Eating Habits Developing healthy eating habits isn’t as confusing or as restrictive as many people imagine. The first principle ...
Healthy Choices

Healthy Eating

Not as Difficult as You Might Think Eating healthfully isn't as difficult as some people think. You don't necessarily have ...

Food Additives

Food Additives are Hardly New Food Additives have been with us for thousands of years, probably starting with the discovery ...
Whole Wheat Bread

Benefits of Fiber

Facts and Benefits of Fiber Fiber is not a single substance. It is an enormous group of widely different chemical ...
Grilled Meat

Protein Defined

Protein - Defined, Requirements, and Food Sources Much has been said about protein in our diets – that we need ...
Healthy Breakfast

Dairy Products for lowering cholesterol

Dairy products such as skim or low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese can be beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels. These products ...
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