Coping with Stress

Coping with Stress

Stress is a normal part of life, but it can become overwhelming and interfere with daily activities if not managed effectively. If you’re struggling with stress it is important to develop strategies for coping with it. Here are a few suggestions: Build a support network: Surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family members can provide…



Studies have consistently shown that people in high-strain jobs (that is, those at the bottom of the job ladder) have the highest rate of heart attacks, while those in active jobs have the lowest. Those in high-strain, low-echelon jobs also exhibited the highest levels of psychological stress (including depression and exhaustion), and they took the…

Aches and Pains

Aches and Pains

Muscles and Joints – Preventing Aches and Pains Nearly everyone has experienced stresses and strains to those parts of the body responsible for movement: the bones and muscles; major joints like the knee and ankle; and the tendons and ligaments – the soft connective tissues that transmit movement among muscles and joints.  Though sometimes referred…

Cholesterol Testing

Cholesterol Testing

What you need to know about Cholesterol testing Having your blood cholesterol measured is a relatively simple and inexpensive process. The problem is in getting accurate results and then a sound interpretation of the figures. This blood test is complicated to run in a laboratory. Different labs use a variety of methods that yield differing…

Lowering Cholesterol Levels

Lowering Cholesterol Levels

Steps you can take to keep your cholesterol level down. If you are trying to control you blood cholesterol level, you must limit not only the amount of cholesterol you consume, but also the amount of saturated fat, which appears to stimulate the body’s production of cholesterol. Experts now recommend that you reduce dietary cholesterol…

Being Supportive

Being Supportive

Being Supportive to Stressed Loved Ones It is hard to say which is the more difficult position: to be needing reassurance and support, or to be trying to help a friend or family member and not knowing what to say. Perhaps you grope for the right words and end up saying nothing, or manage to…

Facts about Cholesterol

Facts about Cholesterol

Cholesterol is found in meat, poultry, seafood and dairy products; no plant products contain cholesterol. Consuming saturated fats may also be a major factor in raising your blood cholesterol. Because your body also produces cholesterol on its own, you could theoretically cut cholesterol out of your diet completely and your body would never miss it….

End of the Day

End of the Day

Whether you’ve spent your day hunched over a computer, standing at an assembly line, or washing your car – no doubt some “end of the day” stresses have crept in. Often times, the stress of any given day can add up to uncertain emotions and anxiety. Although it is not clear what effect your emotional…