
Food Additives

Food Additives are Hardly New Food Additives have been with us for thousands of years, probably starting with the discovery that salted meat lasted longer. And they are not likely to go away, since Americans depend on an ever-wider variety of convenience foods that require additives. Some of these substances offer indisputable health benefits, but…

Home Health Management

Home Health Management

Home Management of Your Family’s Health The physical examination of you and your family doesn’t have to begin in the doctor’s office. Some important observations can begin in the home. Checking your family’s health in the home will help your doctor and yourself by providing more accurate information, encourage awareness to each member of the…

Good Nights Sleep


While it may seem like a waste of time to spend an entire third of your life in bed, sleep is absolutely fundamental to human health. If you have experienced the aftermath of a sleepless night, you can testify to the importance of quality sleep. What is Sleep? Sleep is broadly defined as a period…

Coping With Stress

Coping with Stress

Stress is a normal part of life, but it can become overwhelming and interfere with daily activities if not managed effectively. If you’re struggling with stress it is important to develop strategies for coping with it. Here are a few suggestions: Build a support network: Surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family members can provide…

Stress Busters


Studies have consistently shown that people in high-strain jobs (that is, those at the bottom of the job ladder) have the highest rate of heart attacks, while those in active jobs have the lowest. Those in high-strain, low-echelon jobs also exhibited the highest levels of psychological stress (including depression and exhaustion), and they took the…

Blood Test

C Reactive Protein

C Reactive Protein and Heart Disease As the fight against heart disease, the nation’s biggest cause of death, continues, new instruments for identifying high-risk individuals are being created. Because they differ from patient to patient, the symptoms of coronary heart disease—chest discomfort, shortness of breath, and an irregular pulse—can be challenging to diagnose. Furthermore, there…