
Hiking Gear

Hiking Gear Essential hiking gear can make all the difference. The right equipment can enhance your comfort, safety, and enjoyment on the trails. Embarking on a hiking adventure is a thrilling experience that allows you to connect with nature, challenge yourself, and explore breathtaking landscapes. Whether you’re a seasoned trekker or a beginner eager to…

Biking Into The Wind

Biking Into The Wind

Bike Routes Went for a great bike ride today. A friend of ours likes to cobble bike routes together on Google Maps and then go ride them. We go along as willing victims. “We” in this case would be me, my husband, my best friend, her husband, and another friend. This other friend and her…

Quick Bike Ride

Quick Bike Ride

At Least I Exercised Well, it just goes to show you sometimes you think one thing is going to happen and then you get something entirely different! Went for a short bike ride this afternoon. Before I left the house I was feeling energetic and looked forward to getting out and hammering on the pedals….

Tour de Peaks

Tour de Peaks – Bike Ride

Charmed Life Sometimes you have to believe you lead a charmed life…Ann, Mark and I went for a great bike ride today. “Tour de Peaks” is an organized ride that travels through the neighborhoods of North Bend and Snoqualmie. The scenery was outstanding, the roads for the most part were good, but what made this…