Determine Your Maximum

Determine Your Maximum

Determine your maximum heart rate Know the Training Zones Now you will use your maximum heart rate to set your training zones as a percentage of your maximum. Before reading this manual, you may have heard about the TARGET HEART ZONE. Well, unfortunately, there is no one zone, no single range of heart rates, that…

Benefits of Heart Rate

Benefits of Heart Rate

Importance of exercise and the benefits of heart rate monitors Regular exercise is the most dramatic adjustment that an individual can make to ensure good health, and the medical literature is replete with evidence of the benefits of physical activity on health and longevity. Exercise improves all aspects of cardiovascular health. In particular, regular exercise…

Elements of Fitness

Elements of Fitness

Fitness is defined as “the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure time pursuits and to meet unforeseen emergencies.” Yet physical fitness means different things to a dancer, marathon runner, lumberjack, mailman, and weight lifter. It’s also a relative term, in that…