Blood Pressure Awareness

Blood Pressure Awareness

Blood Pressure Awareness
Information about Blood Pressure Awareness Month

Caring organizations all around the world are designating certain days of the year to raise awareness of the value of blood pressure awareness. A public education effort about blood pressure is underway throughout Europe.

In the United States, May has been designated as National Blood Pressure Awareness Month since 1984. “Know your numbers” is the official motto of the blood pressure awareness campaign.

Diabetes Treatments

Over one-tenth of Americans suffer from high blood pressure. Many people with high blood pressure are unaware that they have it. It’s an illness that is unusually silent. Too often, the tragedy of a heart attack or stroke is the first sign of a problem; symptoms do not appear until it is too late.

Multiple Readings

Early identification and home monitoring are crucial for the effective treatment of high blood pressure, which is a silent condition. One exception to this is hypertension. Don’t let one reading scare you, though. Your blood pressure fluctuates, so you’ll need to get many readings if the initial one is high. On follow-up checks, at least one-third of the individuals with a high first reading will turn out to have normal readings.

Blood pressure is measured in two different ways. The diastolic pressure is smaller than the systolic pressure. If either the upper or lower reading exceeds 140 or 90, blood pressure is deemed excessive. The conventional definition of “normal” is 120 above 80, however this has been overstated. In general, it is better if blood pressure is lower. Younger adults and older adults in excellent physical condition are more likely to have low readings.

Personal Accountability

Realizing that you have to handle this issue on your own is crucial. It will be your responsibility to monitor your weight, exercise, salt intake, and medication compliance. You ought to be the one taking your own blood pressure. Although they should be your valued advisor, doctors cannot take on your personal accountability. The doctor cannot take care of this for you, no matter how much they would like to. The blood pressure readings are necessary if you want to manage this condition so that you may inform the doctor of any changes or challenges. Excellent doctors will stress that you are in charge.

Monitor Blood Pressure at home
Home blood pressure monitoring

Blood pressure measurements essentially reveal everything. Standard office-based assessments of blood pressure are not as accurate as accurate measurements taken at home throughout a whole day in terms of predicting cardiovascular risk. Everyone’s blood pressure typically fluctuates in the same manner over the course of a day. Usually, it peaks during work and then somewhat decreases at home. When someone has extremely high blood pressure, their blood pressure peaks during waking hours and then drops again during sleep, making this the biggest risk time for heart attacks and strokes. It’s turning out that devices with a digital readout and an electrically pliable cuff are just as accurate as a stethoscope. Home blood pressure monitoring has been demonstrated in studies to enhance blood pressure control and lower the risk of cardiovascular events.

Make exercise, weight control, and diet a part of your program. It is true that even if you have a healthy weight and frequent exercise, you can still have high blood pressure. It is also true, though, that being obese and inactive raises the risk of high blood pressure. Most importantly, new research has shown that individuals with high blood pressure who are overweight and do not exercise can reduce their blood pressure by routinely engaging in physical activity and losing weight. Many people may completely control their blood pressure without taking medication. Most others are able to cut back on how much medication they need. This translates to lower costs, risks, and adverse consequences.

Aerobic exercise conditions the cardiovascular system so that blood pressure is reduced. Reducing weight is a dependable way to lower blood pressure because being overweight equates to having high blood pressure. The key elements to controlling weight are, of course, nutrition and exercise. Lowering blood pressure and lowering the risk of heart disease can be achieved by eating less salt, fat, and cholesterol and more potassium and calcium.

Self Monitoring your Blood Pressure
Translating Blood Pressure Numbers
Monitoring Blood Pressure at home
Understanding Hypertension
Blood Pressure Facts
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